Informed Consent Policy

Informed Consent

AIIR Analytics requires that all individuals taking its assessment give their informed consent to participate in the assessment process. This is the fundamental concept that underlies all current and anticipated data protection protocols and legislation. In order for individuals taking the assessment to give their informed consent, they must understand the purpose of the assessment, the likely use of the assessment data, and how the data are protected. These protocols are described below and are binding on all AIIR Analytics clients and individuals taking the assessment. AIIR Analytics requires all individuals taking the assessments to give their active informed consent before they can complete the assessment process.


By taking the AIIR Analytics Assessment, you expressly consent to the processing - including storage, copying, deletion, printing, transfer, aggregation and use - of the data you provide as set forth below. This consent is given voluntarily and you may withdraw such consent at any time. AIIR Analytics shall not be responsible for or subject to any liability resulting from any change to your potential or continued employment status that may result from either, (1) your taking of the assessment(s), or (2) your decision to withdraw your consent to the processing of the data you provide.

Purpose/Data Use Case

AIIR Analytics' assessments were created to provide insights into participants’ leadership strengths and areas for development both to participants as well as HR stakeholders at the requesting organization. The data you provide, including the replies you submit during the assessment(s), will be processed by AIIR Analytics. The results of the assessment(s) are primarily used for leadership development, talent identification, and succession planning by the participating organization.

Data Processing

AIIR Analytics has the right to process the data you provide, including the storage, copying, deletion, printing, transfer, aggregation and use thereof. AIIR Analytics may also transfer, via secured methods, the data to trained and accredited consultants or HR professionals for succession planning and/or development purposes. In addition, AIIR Analytics may use anonymously held (identifying information removed) aggregated data for its own research purposes. All AIIR Analytics clients are responsible for complying with national and international protocols covering data use and storage.

Access to Data

The dissemination of assessment results is the sole responsibility of the requesting organization. AIIR Analytics will also provide results to individuals taking the assessments. You may withdraw your consent to the processing of the data you provided at any time, and such data will be deleted from AIIR Analytics' systems. If you choose to withdraw your consent to the processing of the data you provide after AIIR Analytics has provided your assessment results to the requesting organization, AIIR Analytics shall have no obligation to ensure the deletion of any data that may be contained in such assessment results. In addition, AIIR Analytics shall not be responsible for or subject to any liability resulting from any change to your potential or continued employment status that may result from your decision to withdraw your consent.


In order to safeguard assessment results, this website contains only the assessment items. Access to the process by which results and insights pertaining to strengths and development areas are generated are exclusively held by AIIR Analytics. Clients of AIIR Analytics are not given access to raw data, only processed results.


If you have any questions about this Informed Consent, the purpose of the assessment(s), the processing of the data you provide, or AIIR Analytics' privacy policy, please contact

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